E.W. Ellefson
Dies of Stroke
Elmer W. Ellefson, 62, of 2030 Winnebago, st., East side lumber dealer and and member of a well known East side family, died today at a Madison hospital of a stroke which he suffered Wednesday.
Born June 1, 1885, at Lake Preston, S.D., Mr. Ellefson came to Madison at the age of 15 with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. N.W. Ellefson. he father founded the Ellefson Lumber Co., which the son has operated.
Mr. Ellefson was active in the East Side Businessmen's assn. He was also a member of Bethel Lutheran Church and its Brotherhood, Masonic Hiram Lodge No. 50, the Madison Consistory, and Zor Shrine Temple. He also belonged to lumbermen's groups.
Mr. Ellefson graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1907. Before that he attended Central High School.
Mr. Ellefson formerly also operated a lumber yard at Highland.
Survivors are his wife, Hilda; two daughters, Ruth, Washington, D.C., and Marion, formerly a stewardess on the United Airlines and now taking post-graduate word at the University of Wisconsin; and two sisters, Mrs. Nels Kleven, Minneapolis, and Elsie, employed as a secretary in the governor's office. A brother, Edward, died two years ago.
The body was taken to the Gunderson Funeral Home.
Originally published in the Wisconsin State Journal on October 17, 1947. At this time, obituaries were still "news stories," written by newspaper staff, not families. A small photograph of Ellefson appeared on page one at the bottom of the second column. The obituary was on page 4.
Elmer Ellefson's class year is based on information in the Annual Reports of the Madison Schools, 1901-1904.
Obituary: Joseph S. DiMaggio - Class of 1967
7 years ago